Our Location

We are located at 54 K Street SE, Ephrata, WA. From downtown, go east on Division up the hill, the church is on the right past the elementary school.

Contact Info

We love hearing from you and welcome your calls or emails any time.


Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-2:30 pm

Phone: 509-754-6130

Email:  cceonthehill@ (remove space)

Service Times

8:30-8:50 am Pre-service Prayer– Open to all in the Church Library.


9:00-10:15 am  Sunday Worship

         Nursery (Ages 0-2)


Personal Prayer (in Sanctuary) following worship.


Sunday School for all ages will resume in the fall.


Every worship service we invite the Holy Spirit to join us and inspire us. 

Bible Teaching

We are committed to teaching biblical truth at every single gathering. It is our prayer that you will be touched by God's Word and convicted to live more like Jesus.


We believe the Bible gives us a clear example to live in community with one another. Here at Community Church we work hard to make sure you have the chance to do that. 


We get that being new in any environment can feel intimidating and awkward, so we promise not to single you out as a visitor. Instead, you’ll be warmly welcomed by some of the 180 people who call Community Church “home,” one of our volunteers will hand you a worship bulletin so you know what to expect during the service, and they’ll help you find a comfortable seat. During the service, you’re welcome to participate or simply observe—and that goes for the offering time, too.


What is a Sunday service like?

Each of our services include music, prayer, and teaching. Our Sunday services are more “contemporary,” with music led by a band, rather than an organ or choir.


What should I wear?

We are a church in a small town in eastern Washington, so we dress like people from eastern Washington! We are more interested in meeting you than caring about what you’re wearing, so come dressed as you feel comfortable!


How long is a Sunday morning service?

Our service lasts a little more than an hour. If you’re visiting on a Sunday, it’s helpful to arrive a few minutes early so that you can find a place to sit. If you have children and would like them to experience our kid’s ministry, please arrive a few minutes early to get them checked in. 


What kind of people attend Community Church?

People just like you—and people very different from you, too! We’re a multi-generational church of people in all seasons of life and from all sorts of backgrounds. You’ll fit in. Don’t worry!


 What About My Kids?



At Community Church, kids matter!  Community Kids for children during service for those Pre-K thru 4th grade. 


Nursery for tiny ones (infants through 2 years old) is available during the Sunday service. We also offer a cry room at the back of the sanctuary.


Our entire children's team, including volunteers, have completed background checks, and we have a secure check-in process to ensure your kids’ safety. We also ask that you check your children in so that they have name tags, allergy info, if necessary, and contact info for their adults. If you’ve never checked in before, one of our staff or volunteers will assist you.


Our main goal is to worship the Lord.

Love God & Love Others - Jesus was clear about this. We will follow this commandment while being thankful in Worship.

We hope you will join us!